What better way to bring the memories of the French countryside to my mind than the sweet, gentle scent of lavender. I think about how humble this simple flower holds its own at the local booths at our Santa Fe Farmers Market. Giving off such a sweet and calming scent this flower is often associated in our relaxing moments, such as spa treatments and sleeping.
Lavender is the perfect French complement to our linen and lifestyle boutique here at Bon Marché. The sweet scent of lavender is carried through the open windows of our workspace on a breezy Santa Fe day and throughout the shop with our lavender product line, Los Poblanos – made right down the road in Albuquerque. We are not just bringing our customers only visual beauty, we now engage all the senses of our customers as they come in to explore the beauty of colors and delicate scents.
In celebration of this delicate flower, Bon Marché is focusing on our Los Poblanos' organic lavender products with this weekend’s in-store event. A celebration of this remarkable flower and its essential oil, we are offering the full range of Los Poblanos body products, samples and special Bon Marché toiletry bags (a brand new line for us) that you can fill with products for perfect and special gifts. We’ll have lavender shortbread and lavender lemonade, plus live music (French of course) to celebrate the day.
We embrace once again the tradition of staying local, through helping people appreciate the beauty of nature that is right around them. As an herb that has been valued for centuries and a flower that has been a part of people's lives for thousands of years, we love for our customers to discover this local lavender farm, a hidden gem of New Mexico agriculture.
A bientôt, Alex